Learn How To Shape Metal With An English Wheel – Metal Shaping For Beginners English Wheel Basics

Learn How To Shape Metal With An English Wheel – Metal Shaping For Beginners English Wheel Basics

I don’t know why, but we car guys always seem to want all the cool tools, even if we don’t know how to use them. An English Wheel, for example, is one of those tools that most hot rodders do NOT have in their garage, but that all the coolest shops seem to have. So whenever any of us see those cool shops, whether in person or on tv, all we want is all the stuff they have. And so English Wheels are something everyone wants even if they don’t work sheet metal or know how to use one. I’ve used one a couple of times, but mastering one puts you in special company.

You can’t become a master if you don’t start as a beginner, so check out this cool video that is a beginner’s guide to using an English Wheel. I’m going to get myself one when I get the new shop done just so I can learn out to use it and not be the guy that just has one in the corner looking cool. Although I do want to pinstripe mine, cause that’s cool and everything looks better with pinstripes.

Check out the video below, and let us know what you think.

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